
Steavenson Falls

We went on another little adventure this weekend. This time heading North East over the Yarra Ranges to a place called Marysville.

This part of Victoria is stunning and is on route to Lake Mountain ski resort - I have to say I found it very strange to see ski hire companies in the Australian bush.

Marysville is about two hours from Melbourne and although now in the process of being rebuilt, 90% of it burnt down and 42 people were tragically killed in the Black Saturday bush fires of 2009. 

I had never appreciated the bushfires until I moved to Melbourne and was surprised that this summer there were even evenings that we could smell the smoke from fires outside of the city. 

From Marysville we took a track up into the hill sides up to Stevenson falls. We saw plenty of tiny lizards, the odd cockatoo, and fortunately no snakes. 

The falls are one of the highest in Victoria and made a perfect picnic spot.

We finished our day with bottles of ginger beer before heading back over the Yarra Ranges and home for supper. We drove back along the amazing Black Spur Drive with the tallest Mountain Ash trees in Victoria.

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No Scurvy For Me!

Since moving to Aussie I have really started to appreciate the seasonality of food, especially fruit and veg. Although Aussie is huge it is a long way from anywhere and the driest place on earth. It means to cost of food is pretty high. As a result we are a little more savvy about what we buy and I love a bargin.

This may be why I ended up with two massive bags of limes. Normally the little green gems are an absolute fortune. In fact there was even a recent BBC article about the price of them... but at the moment they are in season and only $3 a bag.

So after having limes in all our drinks, making lime curd and limeonade, I was stuck about what to do with the rest. Here is a little recipe for preserved limes. These can be used the same as a preserved lemon and can be used from putting them in curries, to salads, eating them on their own or in Moroccan dishes.

I have taken a Nigella recipe for Indian preserved limes.

14 limes
400g of sugar
225ml of white wine vinegar
4 cloves of garlic
handful of fresh mint
6 tsps on rock salt

First up you will  need a storage jar. I have used one with a rubber seal. This needs to be sterilised, either run through a dishwasher cycle or boil in hot water for 10 minutes and dry in the oven.

Once you have your sterilised jar. Take your limes, cut of the tip and tail and slice lengthways into 6 pieces. Cut you garlic lengthways into strips.

Start to layer your limes in your jar, with the skins facing inwards, once you have a layer, sprinkles over two teaspoons of salt, some of your garlic and mint. Repeat this process till the jar is full.

With any remaining limes you are going to make a syrup to cover the limes in the jar. Add the juice of these limes (about 200ml), the sugar and vinegar to a pan and bring to the boiling reducing by a third to make the syrup.

Pour the syrup over the limes in the jar, shaking the jar to remove bubbles. Your limes may start to float, you can push them down the a piece of grease proof paper  (this keeps everything sterile).

Leave the jar for three weeks before using and keep in the fridge once opened. I will let you know how I get along with mine. If nothing else it looks pretty on the worktop.

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Walk On The Wild Side

Melbourne weather is crazy, when I moved here I was told it was a city of four seasons in a day, now I understand why. Anyone watching the Grand Prix this weekend will have seen it has been cold, wet and windy with spells of glorious sunshine this weekend, pretty insane as it was about 37 degrees earlier in the week.

Joe and I took advantage of it being a bit cooler and decided that whilst beach time may be coming to an end we were keen to get walking and exploring the Aussie country side a bit more.

This weekend we went walking in the You Yangs. There are a set of hills about 50k outside of Melbourne. The name "You Yang" comes from the Aboriginal word Wurdi Youange meaning big mountain in the middle of a plain.

It was really nice to get out of the city and do some exploring. The scenery was beautiful and although cold wet and rainy, we felt we justified our lazy Saturday night in with a bottle of red wine at the end of the day.

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Salted Orange and Dark Chocolate Brownies

Here is a little recipe for some gooey, super chocolatey brownies.

I am not a massive fan of orange chocolate but these are yum. The recipe is an adaptation of Jamie Oliver's chocolate brownie recipe. I know the salt may sound a little weird, but think salted caramel. The salt brings out the flavour of the chocolate and makes it taste more chocolatey.

What you will need:

250g unsalted butter
200g good dark chocolate
80g cocoa powder
65g plain flour
350g caster sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp baking powder
zest of 1 orange
pinch of ground rock salt

Pre-heat your oven to 180 degrees and grease and line a square tin

Melt your chocolate and butter over a pan of simmering water in a bain marie. In another bowl mix together your flour, cocoa, salt, and baking powder.

Once your chocolate has melted take it off the heat, add the grated orange zest and whist in your two eggs. Then slowly add in your dry mixture until fully combined.

Pour your mixture into your greased tin and bake for around 30/35 minutes. Keep checking and make sure your brownies are still gooey when they leave the oven. They will firm as they cool. Once cool, cut into slices and store in a tin - if they last that long ;)

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Queen Vic Night Markets

One of the things I love about Melbourne is the markets. We have a local market in South Melbourne which has the most amazing array of fruit, veggies, fish and meat.

Over the summer the Queen Victoria Markets in the centre of Melbourne have been running night markets, these consist of lots of food, music and cute little stalls.

My lovely friend Anita and I spent last night there, enjoying too much food and drinking cocktails.

Anita found a lovely hammock to enjoy her cocktail in!

After enjoying the market, including soap cupcakes that looked good enough to eat and amazing looking macaroons. We decided against croc and settled for some yummy burgers.

The night markets have been extended this year due to the amazing weather. They will be running for the next two Wednesdays at Queen Victoria Markets. A great evening after work if you get the chance to go.

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Beach Bums

Wow it is hot in Melbourne right now, its been over 30 degrees for the last 8 days and peaked at 37 today. This is weather we may get in the peak of summer but we are supposed to be in autumn now.

Determined that we enjoy this weather while it lasts, we have spent the long weekend mainly on the beach. We have well and truly become beach bums

My lovely friend Prit has been over to visit from the UK so we ventured down to Half Moon Bay for some sun and sand.

We were very pleased to cool off in the water.

We felt there was no better way to finish Prit's time in Melbourne that have a good old aussie barbie in the garden with good food and friends.

Best long weekend ever, apart from the fact it is 9pm, 33 degrees and I think I am melting. Time for a late night dip I think!

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Pizza Night

Remember those bread rolls I made the other week, well not only does that recipe make great bread, it can also be used to make a pizza dough.

See my earlier blog for the recipe

Pre-heat your oven as hot as it will go around 220/ 230 degrees. You want it so hot you think your eyebrows have burnt off when you open the oven door.

Kneed your dough for 5 to 6 minutes. Roll out your base on a floured surface, try and get as thin as possible so you get a nice crispy base. Use a baking tray or a pizza tray if you have one.

Use a dry tomato puree - anything wet and you will get a pizza with a soggy bottom.

Top with whatever you fancy, we had ham and pineapple and various cured meats and olives.

Pop in the on for 7 to 10 minutes. You will need to keep an eye on it as your oven is so hot.

Sit back and enjoy with a good bottle of wine and a movie!

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Who doesn't like a street party?!

This weekend provided some mighty fine weather again, after lounging on the beach on Saturday and having a great night out in the city. We decided we should venture away from the seaside and head to Sydney road in Brunswick for their yearly street party.

It was an afternoon of song, dance, street food, sunshine and market stalls. Perfect.

Never one to shy away of having something to eat Joe and I tucked in to Turkish spinach and cheese pastries calls Gozleme, and a good old Aussie sausage sizzle.

We enjoyed some funky drum music and the cute market stalls.

A perfect Saturday afternoon getting lost in Melbourne :)

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