
The Smell of Freshly Baked Bread

I love the smell of freshly baked bread,

It makes me a little sad that with all the low carb diets out there people don't enjoy yummy homemade bread. Treat yourself occasionally, try this basic bread recipe, these are so much better than shop bought bread rolls.

What you will need to make your dough:

500g of Strong White Bread Flour
Pinch of sea salt
7g of yeast (this is one yeast sachet)
1/2 tablespoon caster sugar
2 tablespoons of olive oil
325ml lukewarm water

Mix your yeast, water, sugar and olive oil in a jug, leave to one side you will see this should start to create what I can only describe as a scum on top.

Measure bread flour into a bowl, make a well in the middle and pour in a little watery yeast mixture at the time, mix together with hands, or a spoon. Mix until you create a ball of dough, add a bit more flour it is feels like its too wet to create a ball. Dust a little flour on top and cover with a clean tea towel.

Leave your dough somewhere warm (on a radiator, an airing cupboard, or in the sunshine if you have any going spare). Let the dough rise for about an hour... have a glass of wine or tipple of choice.

Once the dough has risen, it should be about double in size.

Flour a work surface and kneed the dough to knock our any air, do this for about 5-6 minutes. Divide your bread dough into roll size portions and shape however you like, top with seeds or dust with flour. If you don't want to use all your dough it freezes fine wrapped in some clingfilm. Here are some examples of bread roll shapes.

I made ours into kaiser rolls. There is a great little You Tube video to show you how to do it.

Once you have created your rolls, place on a baking tray and leave to prove for 10 minutes covered in a tea towel (they will rise and expand a bit so leave space between them). Whilst the rolls are proving preheat your oven to 200 degrees.

Bake in the oven until golden brown for around 20 minutes.

Serve hot and buttered, or keep for packed lunches in the week.

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