
Walk On The Wild Side

Melbourne weather is crazy, when I moved here I was told it was a city of four seasons in a day, now I understand why. Anyone watching the Grand Prix this weekend will have seen it has been cold, wet and windy with spells of glorious sunshine this weekend, pretty insane as it was about 37 degrees earlier in the week.

Joe and I took advantage of it being a bit cooler and decided that whilst beach time may be coming to an end we were keen to get walking and exploring the Aussie country side a bit more.

This weekend we went walking in the You Yangs. There are a set of hills about 50k outside of Melbourne. The name "You Yang" comes from the Aboriginal word Wurdi Youange meaning big mountain in the middle of a plain.

It was really nice to get out of the city and do some exploring. The scenery was beautiful and although cold wet and rainy, we felt we justified our lazy Saturday night in with a bottle of red wine at the end of the day.

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